Responsive Caregivers of Hawaii 73900 Shriners Hospitals for Children - Honolulu 70470 RCH helps disabled adults to learn and function to their fullest potential We provide orthopedic care to children in Hawaii and the Pacific Basin in a safe, caring environment staffed by professionals. Our motto, with bone, joint, and neuromuscular conditions, regardless of ability “where compassion is the measure of quality,” sums up RCH’s important to pay. We also offer telehealth and outreach clinics on the neighbor role in the community. islands, Guam, and Fiji. Re-use Hawai‘i 80800 Sounding Joy Music Therapy, Inc. 70920 Our work reduces waste, contributes to a cleaner environment, We offer music therapy to people of all ages with diverse needs, and helps protect natural ecosystems, and has implemented a Workforce conduct research and education on the benefits of music to well-being Development Program to give our community the skills and knowledge to and quality of life. We believe in the power of music to transform lives create a more sustainable future for Hawai‘i. and strengthen communities. River of Life Mission 70750 SECOH 96460 The River of Life Mission (ROLM) was established in 1987 to help SECOH provides individual in home/community and group services to the homeless. Our guests include those who are abused, homeless, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Group services unemployed, hungry, veterans, domestic violence and/or human are offered in the Diamond Head & Kapolei communities. trafficking survivors, elderly and disabled. Special Olympics Hawaii 70230 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Hawaii 70680 Special Olympics Hawaii programs provide free, inclusive year-round Our two Ronald McDonald Houses offer a “home-away-from-home” and sports training and competitions, and health, fitness and personal vital services for families with seriously-ill children who must travel to growth initiatives for Hawaii’s children, youth and adults with intellectual Oahu from the neighbor islands and Pacific Rim for emergency treatment disabilities. or specialized medical care. St. Francis Hospice 81330 Sacred Hearts Academy 80300 We work to provide end of life hospice care, a call center to connect Sacred Hearts Academy focuses on helping girls develop the foundation seniors & their caregivers with programs and services so that they to become well-adjusted human beings, focused on positively can age in place with dignity, senior wellness programs & a preschool contributing to their communities and the world around them. program for low-income students. Saint Louis School 76150 •St. Francis Healthcare Saint Louis School is the only all-male private school in Hawaii offering Foundation of Hawaii 72780 a college preparatory education to students in grades Kindergarten through 12 of various religious, ethnic and economic backgrounds. With a history of caring that began nearly 140 years ago in the islands, Samaritan Counseling Center Hawaii 70460 St. Francis Healthcare System today (Hawaii’s largest comprehensive post-acute provider. Continuing in the footsteps of the Sisters of We provide professional, compassionate mental health care to St. Francis and their legacy of compassion, our team provides a range individuals, couples, and families, regardless of their ability to pay. We of services – from hospice care to family caregiver support and help to build community resilience and work to reduce the stigma of education. We assist patients and their families through the most mental illness. challenging times with medical and social services support. Seagull Schools Inc 74160 Steadfast Housing Development Corporation 76240 Seagull Schools provides high quality early education and adult day care SHDC’s goals are to provide services to participants to access services to families throughout the island of O’ahu at affordable rates. permanent housing and supportive services, maintain residential stability and secure employment with all goals directed towards increasing self-determination and independence.

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