Pali Momi Medical Center 80590 Po‘ailani, Inc. 96430 Pali Momi Medical Center is the leader in health care for the people of Po‘ailani Inc. program services are a specially-designed continuum of Central and West Oahu. We believe that working together, we can make care delivered with an integrated approach to meet the needs of persons the greatest impact on individuals, families and our communities. with co-occurring disorders. Palolo Chinese Home 96410 Project Hawai’i, Inc. 81090 We offer ICF/SNF levels of care, senior day care, adult residential care Project Hawai’i, Inc. is an award winning volunteer staffed nonprofit home, hospice, and rehab. PCH provides many community-based organization created to enhance the lives of homeless children and help services island-wide that include respite care, companionship, meals them escape their cycle of poverty. We are proudly supported by public delivery, and light housekeeping. and community donations. ••Parents And Children •Project Vision Hawaii 80450 Together 96660 Too often, vulnerable people don’t seek medical care until they are profoundly ill; at this point, health challenges may be difficult or Parents And Children Together helps equip people with the skills and impossible to solve. Thus, Project Vision brings services to communities knowledge to overcome poverty, family and interpersonal violence, via mobile service units. parenting and coming-of-age issues, so that they can enjoy health, economic prosperity, and well-being. Pu‘a Foundation 73950 •Partners in Development Pu‘a Foundation connects resources to need through community organizing, capacity building, training, advocacy, and direct services. Foundation 96730 We specialize in “Trauma to Transformation” and support women that are affected by trauma and incarceration. PIDF draws upon traditional culture and values to meet the current Rainbow Schools 81690 challenges facing vulnerable Hawaiian communities, through a wide range of 11 free programs serving keiki to kupuna in education, social Rainbow Schools is a non-profit organization that’s set the standard services and agriculture. for early childhood development in Oahu, being the first nationally- PATCH - People Attentive to Children 96420 accredited preschool in Hawaii. This year we celebrate our 50th anniversary serving our community! For those whose work is caring for children in their homes, support and Read To Me International 73440 encouragement is imperative. Nurturing and bringing people together is a thing at which PATCH excels, or in other words … creating a foundation We provide parent-coaching services to equip parents to be their for family life. children’s first and lifelong teacher through reading aloud together. PBS Hawaii 75860 Reading aloud builds bonds between family members and promotes children’s social, emotional, and academic growth. PBS Hawaii connects citizens statewide through educational programs Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific Foundation 70442 and events presented on-air, online and in person. We offer news, civic engagement, curriculum-rich children’s programs, arts, history, science REHAB Hospital of the Pacific rebuilds lives. With your support, REHAB and independent films. Hospital of the Pacific is able to provide the highest level of care so that PLANNED PARENTHOOD GREAT NORTHWEST patients who step through our doors, have the greatest chance to return home. HAWAI’I ALASKA INDIANA KENTUCKY 70210 ••RYSE 81460 Together we advocate, educate, and provide exceptional health care supporting sexual health, wellness, and reproductive freedom — without We provide low-barrier, wrap-around supportive services for young judgment, without fear, without fail. people experiencing homelessness in a safe, non-judgmental environment with developmentally-appropriate supports.

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