Straub Foundation (Straub Medical Center) 70490 The ALS Association Golden West Chapter 80540 Straub remains committed to its mission of creating a healthier ALS, a fatal neurodegenerative disease, robs a person of the ability to Hawaii with a focus on preventive care and by providing patients with move, speak, swallow and breathe. The Chapter provides care services convenient and comprehensive access to primary care and specialty for people with ALS and their loved ones, while advancing the search for care services. treatments and cures. Surfrider Spirit Sessions 76110 The Arc in Hawaii 96080 SSS provides adult mentoring services to at-risk youth utilizing surfing as Our community-based residential services provide individualized levels a theme to learn new life skills, make healthier decisions, participate in of support. Our program services focus on pre-vocational, vocational, exhilarating outdoor ocean activities and learn pro-social behaviors. life skills, community integration and self-advocacy. Susan G. Komen 79430 The ARTS at Marks Garage 96790 Susan G. Komen leads the fight to create a world without breast Promoting the ARTS by providing a safe and inclusive space for cancer by doing everything we can to save lives from breast cancer individuals and organizations to create, collaborate, experiment, and by advancing research, improving the patient experience, overcoming educate. Revitalizing the historic arts district visually and economically barriers to care and expanding our reach. through artistic activities. The Caregiver Foundation 80980 •Susannah Wesley Community Center 96470 Provide a centralized approach to care needs for seniors, adults with disabilities and their caregivers. Provide professional management of special-needs trusts, guardianships, conservatorships, and other SWCC is a beacon of hope where individuals and families embrace positions of need. opportunities for achieving their dreams. We offer family strengthening and education support, enrichment activities, services to human The Compassionate Friends, Honolulu Chapter 72860 trafficking victims, and food assistance. The Compassionate Friends offer a unique specialty in the community, Tax Foundation of Hawaii 81010 supporting those who have suffered the loss of a child or sibling. The program offers the public free support groups, memory walks, and The TFH researches financial policies of state and local governments, candle-lighting events. tracks how taxes are collected and public monies are spent, evaluates and informs the public on the impact those policies have on the The Early School 70100 economic climate of the state of Hawaii. We are a preschool that serves children 18 months - 5 years old. Teach For America Hawaii 96390 We provide quality child-care for working families. We are the only existing alternative teacher preparation program focusing directly on providing recruitment, certification, and •The Mediation Center professional development services to strengthen the pipeline of teachers and leaders in high-need communities. of the Pacific 96380 The Alcoholic Rehabilitation Services We help people talk and negotiate customized solutions that work for of Hawaii Inc., dba Hina Mauka 99090 their unique situation. Hina Mauka’s mission is to foster hope and healing for people recovering The Nature Conservancy, Hawaii Chapter 76090 from alcohol and substance use disorders and related behavioral health challenges. From mauka to makai, The Nature Conservancy works with our local community to protect Hawaii’s spectaular diversity of life. Together, we can protect the plants and animals that share our world and help our island home.

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