AUW Coordinator Tool Kit

BE A CHAMPION 2022 CAMPAIGN COORDINATOR TOOLKIT #Changetomorrowtoday Visit to learn more

COORDINATOR IMPACT YOUR TEAM: Engaging employees in a community partnership increases talent retention, boosts morale, and provides staff development opportunities. YOUR BUSINESS: Community involvement helps you reach a broader audience and strengthens client relationships. YOUR COMPANY’S REPUTATION: Being community-focused elevates you as a community leader with stakeholders, employees, and customers. 5 STEPS STEP 1: STEP 2: TO A PLAN PUBLICIZE Meet with your AUW representative Ask senior leadership to be champions. SUCCESSFUL to establish campaign dates. Raise awareness with email, social CAMPAIGN Garner support from senior leadership media, newsletters, posters, and virtual and ask about a corporate match and backgrounds. leadership giving challenge. Communicate campaign goals utilizing Set a dollar goal and strive for 100% the fundraising thermometer. Set clear participation. deadlines with dates. Recruit a high-energy team. Kick-off campaign with an AUW Brainstorm creative ways to in-person or virtual rally. engage employees. Share inspiring videos and stories. LEADERSHIP GIVING FUNDRAISING IDEAS Boost your campaign with incentives, special events and prizes. Here are a few ideas to get you started: “Leadership Donors” make an incredible impact • Online or in-person games, contests, at AUW with annual donations of $1000 or and challenges • Virtual or in-person walk-a-thons, races, cooking more. Just $20 a week or $120 a month will contests/demonstrations make you one of our strongest supporters. We’ll • Sell prepared food, cookbooks, lei, or holiday ornaments recognize your gift in the AUW Annual Report. • Online or in-person workshops for cooking, yoga, meditation, surfing • Silent auctions, sporting events, driving range challenges • Ticketed pau hana events, trivia, or leadership team challenges

DIGITAL TOOLKIT As a campaign coordinator, engagement is the key to success. Whether your team is working remotely, in-person, or in a hybrid environment you need to stay connected with the goal and one another. Aloha United Way can provide you with the tools and resources to track employee participation, build customized giving dashboards, track collective impact, and organize other philanthropic activities like volunteering. STEP 3: STEP 4: STEP 5: MAKE THE ASK WRAP UP THANK & CELEBRATE Make donating fun with games, Review donations for accuracy A simple “mahalo” goes a long way. competitions, and events! and details. Recognition takes many forms. Give consistent updates with energetic Meet with your AUW representative Consider awards, incentives, events. language to boost participation. to turn in your donations. Promote significant deadlines and event Meet and debrief about the campaign Achieve excellence and work with AUW dates to drive action. while details are still fresh. to amplify your impact. Inspire others as you lead by example. Show/share the AUW Mahalo Video. Start planning for next year! ALOHA UNITED WAY REPRESENTATIVES Emmaly Calibraro Charmaine Viegas Ellen Kazama Mel Colquitt Greg Bushnell Vice President, Resource Director of Digital Director, Major Gifts and Manager, Campaign Manager, Business Development & Donor Relations Fundraising Donor Relations Operations Development 808.543.2204 808.543.2241 808.543.2223 808.543.2243 808.543.2238 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Grayce McCullough Marilyn Nimsger Jenna Richards Mary Rubio Manager, Business Manager, Business Manager, Business Administrative Development Development Development Assistant 808.543.2253 808.543.2240 808.543.2225 808.543.2208 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Our team is joined by a group of community executives who work with us to support your Aloha United Way workplace campaign.

ALOHA UNITED WAY AT YOUR SERVICE Aloha United Way is the most comprehensive and impactful partner for philanthropy in Hawai’i. We can guide and support your organization’s philanthropic goals based on our extensive network and data channels. We are here year- round to assist with other campaigns, corporate donations and volunteer events as a one-stop agent for change. 3 STEPS FOR SUCCESS AUW IMPACT AREAS VOLUNTEER 1. Meet your representative ALICE® tackles root causes of financial Check out our volunteer portal early to strategize. instability for an estimated 59% of online for volunteer opportunities for Hawai'i’s households. individuals, companies, 2. Ask your representative 211, Hawai’i’s only comprehensive, families and friends. Together, statewide community resource we create change. for suggestions on best practices for your information and referral helpline. Free. Confidential. campaign. Safety Net provides basic human needs Call us today and support during emergency and crisis at (808) 543-2208. 3. Check in regularly to keep situations when people are the most We are at your service. your campaign flourishing. vulnerable. Strives to return households to stability. JOIN A GIVING SOCIETY Join an Aloha United Way Giving Society for invitations to special events, volunteer opportunities, networking, and more. ĀNUENUE SOCIETY Your legacy gift will help Join other young professionals Be part of a group of Serve with female leaders struggling Hawai‘i residents on a mission to serve and make outstanding local philanthropic empowering women to move create brighter futures for a positive impact on community leaders who are passionate from poverty and crisis to themselves and their families for issues. Target age 21-39. about tackling our island’s most economic success and security. generations to come. What better Minimum donation $120. serious issues. Join like minded Minimum donation $1,000. legacy could you leave than that? @auwsyl individuals in this special @auwwomenunited society. Minimum donation @auwwomenunited For more information visit $10,000. Visit to learn more.