ALOHA UNITED WAY AT YOUR SERVICE Aloha United Way is the most comprehensive and impactful partner for philanthropy in Hawai’i. We can guide and support your organization’s philanthropic goals based on our extensive network and data channels. We are here year- round to assist with other campaigns, corporate donations and volunteer events as a one-stop agent for change. 3 STEPS FOR SUCCESS AUW IMPACT AREAS VOLUNTEER 1. Meet your representative ALICE® tackles root causes of financial Check out our volunteer portal early to strategize. instability for an estimated 59% of online for volunteer opportunities for Hawai'i’s households. individuals, companies, 2. Ask your representative 211, Hawai’i’s only comprehensive, families and friends. Together, statewide community resource we create change. for suggestions on best practices for your information and referral helpline. Free. Confidential. campaign. Safety Net provides basic human needs Call us today and support during emergency and crisis at (808) 543-2208. 3. Check in regularly to keep situations when people are the most We are at your service. your campaign flourishing. vulnerable. Strives to return households to stability. JOIN A GIVING SOCIETY Join an Aloha United Way Giving Society for invitations to special events, volunteer opportunities, networking, and more. ĀNUENUE SOCIETY Your legacy gift will help Join other young professionals Be part of a group of Serve with female leaders struggling Hawai‘i residents on a mission to serve and make outstanding local philanthropic empowering women to move create brighter futures for a positive impact on community leaders who are passionate from poverty and crisis to themselves and their families for issues. Target age 21-39. about tackling our island’s most economic success and security. generations to come. What better Minimum donation $120. serious issues. Join like minded Minimum donation $1,000. legacy could you leave than that? @auwsyl individuals in this special @auwwomenunited society. Minimum donation @auwwomenunited For more information visit $10,000. Visit to learn more.