Blue Planet Foundation 80170 Chamber Music Hawaii 80550 Blue Planet is a Honolulu-based non-profit committed to accelerating Chamber Music Hawaii provides chamber music experiences statewide the transition to a just and sustainable energy future. We use the lever by Hawaii-based professional musicians and shares the enjoyment and of bold policy change and the power of storytelling to create momentum understanding of classical music through concerts and workshops in and inspire change. schools and at community venues. Chaminade University of Honolulu 76210 •Bobby Benson Center 70080 Since a college education remains the best pathway to a higher standard BBC uses good practices to help youth who suffer from substance use of living, Chaminade strategically promotes college access to students dependency by providing them with the tools to heal, recover and have who have been historically underrepresented in higher education. hope they can succeed. Boy Scouts of America, Aloha Council 96100 •Child & Family Service 96150 The Aloha Council is a vital part of the community. We help shape the Child & Family Service is a Hawaii-born, impact-driven organization lives of the youth who will become the future leaders of the state. We strengthening families since 1899. Our statewide support, counseling, imbed in them a sense of giving back. We provide adventure into the and therapeutic programs help heal trauma, prevent abuse and neglect, lives of the youth. and helps end cycles of poverty. ClimbHI 80810 •Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii 96110 Main program areas: Leadership, Exploration, Inspiration (LEI); Service The after-school hours are a critical time for youth. Boys & Girls Club of Excellence Certificate for students; ClimbHI Bridge online portal to Hawaii provides a safe place filled with hope and opportunity, ongoing connect businesses, educators and students; and awards programs for relationships with caring adult mentors, and enriching programs. educators and businesses. Camp Mokule‘ia 81560 Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawaii 96690 Camp Mokule‘ia is a camp and retreat center located on the North Shore Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawaii is dedicated to serving Hawaii’s of Oahu since 1947. We provide a variety of summer camp programs, children, families, and communities with programs that strengthen outdoor education opportunities for school groups, family camp health, wellness, and resilience against drug and alcohol abuse through programs, and public camping. awareness, education, and action. Common Grace 75590 ••Catholic Charities Hawaii 96130 Mentoring public school students who are selected by counselors and We are a community of hope, over 300 employees strong, statewide. staff and match them with caring adults and teens. We offer human services programs assisting over 40,000 children, Community Assistance Center 96300 seniors, veterans, families and individuals in need annually through direct support and advocacy services. We make our community safer by assisting offenders, ex-offenders and Center for Tomorrow’s Leaders 80220 troubled youth to assume productive membership in their community. Compassion for Cancer Caregivers 81310 With signature high school and post-secondary programs, CTL is creating an atmosphere for student leaders to be discovered and Do you know someone with cancer? Do you know what to say and do? We trained. In doing so, CTL provides a leadership pipeline for Hawaii’s do. We’ve walked in their shoes. We conduct classes for organizations to businesses, government, and all sectors. create networks of support for cancer caregivers and/or patients.

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