•Aloha Medical Mission 70630 Assets School 96070 www.alohamedicalmission.org www.assets-school.org Aloha Medical Mission provides no cost dental services for the Assets School provides personalized, strength-based learning to bright, uninsured, underinsured, and women who are transitioning from prison capable students who learn differently and who typically struggle to to community and who experience domestic abuse. progress in their education in other learning environments. Alzheimer’s Association, Aloha Chapter 96700 Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii 75010 www.alz.org/hawaii www.atrc.org We serve the people of Hawaii with staff located on all islands and help ATRC is a nonprofit organization, whose mission is to link persons with those impacted by Alzheimer’s disease & other dementias by providing technology and empower individuals through its use. ATRC is also the local support groups & educational resources while advancing research state of Hawaii’s designated Assistive Technology Act agency since and public policy initiatives. 1991. American Cancer Society 96010 Ballet Hawaii 80750 www.cancer.org www.ballethawaii.org We’re saving lives in Hawaii. From breakthrough cancer research to Ballet Hawaii teaches students from keiki to kupuna various forms of free lodging and rides to treatment, we are a 24/7/365 live helpline and dance in two studios located in Honolulu and West Oahu. Ballet Hawaii trusted resource at www.cancer.org. When it comes to cancer, we are presents quality productions to cultivate the appreciation of dance in the attacking it from every angle. community. American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii Foundation 71110 Banquet Solutions Hawaii Inc. 96780 www.acluhi.org www.banquetsolutionshawaii.org The ACLU of Hawaii (ACLU) protects constitutional rights. Combining Banquet Solutions Hawaii offers career training opportunities with the litigation, advocacy and public outreach, it delivers services at no cost goal of establishing a more resilient local workforce. to the public. It is private, non-profit, non-partisan, and accepts no Best Buddies in Hawai’i a.k.a. Best Buddies government funding. International, Inc. 80310 American Diabetes Association 70040 www.bestbuddies.org/hawaii www.diabetes.org/hawaii Best Buddies’ inclusive programming helps children and adults with IDD The American Diabetes Association priority areas are to drive discovery learn the social and leadership skills necessary to shape a secure future, through innovative research, raises voice for diabetes awareness and giving them the tools they need to be self-reliant, active participants in support people living with diabetes until we find a cure. their communities. American Heart Association 96230 Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii Inc. 96090 www.heart.org/en/affiliates/hawaii/welcome-to-hawaii www.bbbshawaii.org Heart Disease is the #1 killer worldwide & stroke the #3 killer in Hawaii. Our volunteer mentors give local youth the support needed to achieve Even when those conditions don’t result in death, they cause disability their dreams, our dedicated staff provide parents with a network of and diminish quality of life. We want to see a world free of cardiovascular support, and our agency offers volunteers the opportunity to make a big disease and stroke. difference in a child’s life. Bishop Museum 80740 •American Red Cross of Hawaii 96020 www.bishopmuseum.org www.redcross.org/hawaii We are the stewards of our natural and cultural heritage. A source Nonprofit humanitarian organization providing compassionate relief to where learning comes to life. As people of the Pacific, we have unique disaster victims, disaster preparedness education, lifesaving training, perspectives to share. We serve those who have come before, are here and emergency communication for military families. now, and yet to arrive. Armed Services YMCA Hawaii 96050 Blood Bank of Hawaii 71070 www.asymcahi.org www.BBH.org Armed Services YMCA Hawaii has served Hawaii’s military members and BBH is the sole blood provider for our state, serving all 18 hospitals & their families for 104 years, providing innovative programs and services all of Hawaii’s patients’ blood needs. Lives depend on BBH operating to help navigate the challenges of military life. 24/7. Without blood, many hospital programs could not exist & importing blood is cost prohibitive.

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