® The ALICE Fund invests in non-profit agencies developing and implementing impactful and scalable programs to help Oahu’s ALICE population. CATHOLIC CHARITIES HAWAI`I IHS, THE INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN SERVICES They area community of hope, over 300 employees strong, IHS provides critical services to end or prevent homelessness statewide. Offering human services programs assisting over 40,000 for thousands of people in Hawaii each year; including outreach, children, seniors, veterans, families & individuals in need annually emergency shelters, daily meals, housing, employment, case through direct, support & advocacy services. management, and health services. COUNCIL FOR NATIVE HAWAIIAN ADVANCEMENT INSTITUTE FOR NATIVE PACIFIC EDUCATION AND CULTURE CNHA partners with other community organizations and leaders INPEACE provides culture-based educational programs to Native to enhance the cultural, economic, political, and community Hawaiian communities. Nurturing the growth and development development of Native Hawaiians. of kēiki and empowering community members to be active leaders in their own communities. FAMILY PROMISE OF HAWAII We provide a safety net for families experiencing housing instability. KOKUA KALIHI VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE FAMILY SERVICES We utilize family-centered strategies and mobilize community Kokua Kalihi Valley serves the community of Kalihi with primary care support to competently and effectively increase equitable access services including medical, dental, behavioral health, optometry, to housing for vulnerable families. elder care, and maternal child health. We provide unique and holistic community healing programs. FEED THE HUNGER FUND FTHF increases food sustainability in Hawaii by providing loans LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF HAWAII and business development services to Hawaii’s food entrepreneurs. The Legal Aid Society of Hawaii provides civil legal services to From farmers to distributors to markets and restaurants, FTHF is those in need, including assistance with matters such as housing about nourishing our community. discrimination, divorce, guardianship, homelessness, and public benefits to residents of Hawaii most in need. GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF HAWAII, INC. Supported by its retail operations and financial endeavors, PARENTS AND CHILDREN TOGETHER Goodwill Hawaii provide skills training, employment counseling, Parents And Children Together helps equip people with the skills and job placement and support services for more than 10,000 people knowledge to overcome poverty, family and interpersonal violence, each year. parenting and coming-of-age issues, so that they can enjoy health, economic prosperity, and well-being. HAWAII APPLESEED CENTER FOR LAW AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE At Hawaii Appleseed, our (remove)work is about people. Focused on PARENTS IN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION housing, food, budget & tax, & racial equity—are important because PIDF draws upon traditional culture and values to meet the current they ensure people have access to shelter, sustenance, & the challenges facing vulnerable Hawaiian communities, through a wide means to not only survive, but to thrive. range of 11 free programs serving keiki to kupuna in education, social services & agriculture. HAWAII CHILDREN'S ACTION NETWORK Working to ensure all kēiki in Hawai'i are safe, healthy and ready RESIDENTIAL YOUTH SERVICES & EMPOWERMENT to learn. Providing low barrier, wrap around supportive services for young people experiencing homelessness in a safe, non-judgmental HAWAII HOMEOWNERSHIP CENTER environment with developmentally appropriate supports. HHOC opens doors to successful homeownership by supporting first-time buyers through classes, individual coaching, and post- WAIKIKI COMMUNITY CENTER purchase services. Foreclosure Prevention & Rental Counseling Waikiki Community Center provides a dynamic gathering place to is available to those with housing payment challenges. serve senior adults, children, residents, visitors, Waikiki employees and the community in need through various programs and services. HAWAIIAN COMMUNITY ASSETS HCA is a certified nonprofit HUD counseling agency that builds the capacity of low & moderate income communities to achieve & sustain self-sufficiency by delivering financial counseling, career coaching, & income supports at FOCs statewide. 2022 - 2024 ALICE Cohort