United Together Flyer

UNITED TOGETHER As a community, we continue to see the devastating effects of the pandemic on our community. All data indicates that food insecurity, financial stability, and access to safe and affordable housing present real threats to our future. We can choose to continue as we were, or evolve and work toward a better future. Hawai‘i can become stronger, more inclusive, and be a place that our keiki can call home in the decades to come. AUW is a bridge, connecting people and resources. We are an amplifier for nonprofit work, investing in programs and data tools to make providers stronger. We are advocates for better policies, providing data and tools available nowhere else. Aloha United Way is a critical community resource. You are our partner in this work. Join us. Be part of the workplace giving movement as we embark on a campaign to lead an unprecedented and coordinated effort to lift ALICE Households to greater stability in 2022. Help us deliver the resources and tools that are so desperately needed here in Hawai’i. YOU AREN’T JUST MAKING A DONATION YOU’RE CHANGING A LIFE WITH ALOHA UNITED WAY 211 ALICE® SAFETY NET Hawaii’s only comprehensive, Tackles root causes of financial Provides basic human needs and statewide community information and instability for people working, doing support during emergency and crisis referral helpline. Free and confidential. everything they can to make ends situations when people are the most Most-requested inquiries include food, meet yet struggle to get by each month. vulnerable. Safety Net agencies strive shelter, financial assistance and elderly An estimated 59% of our community to return households to stability (80100). care (80106). is now Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (80114). VISIT AUW.org

ALOHA UNITED WAY 2021 AT-A-GLANCE More than $25K $787,000 raised and awarded ALICE Funds distributed by AUW Affinity Groups 88K $6.8M More than provided for rent, utilities requests to 211 and 27K and childcare assistance unique visitors to AUW211.org $12M More than invested in helping Working with 344 our community Partner Agencies $917,000 awarded to 28 Safety Net 1400+ Agencies work place campaign partners LEADERSHIP GIVING PLANNED GIVING Join our network of generous donors who contribute $1,000 or Through planned giving, donors continue their support in more each year and are recognized for making an even larger perpetuity with a gift that supports long-term prevention commitment to creating change in our community. strategy and also remains flexible to meet emerging needs. AUW.org/leadership-giving auw.org/planned-giving Join philanthropic community peers and receive invitations to GET INVOLVED special events, volunteer opportunities, networking and more. Tackle our island’s most serious issues Serve with women leaders empowering Join other young professionals with a group of outstanding local women to move from poverty and crisis on a mission to serve and make a positive philanthropic leaders who are passionate to economic success and security. impact on community issues. about making Hawaii better for Minimum donation $1,000. Ages 21-39. Minimum donation $120. everyone. Minimum donation $10,000. @auwwomenunited @auwsyl auw.org/tocqueville-society auw.org/women-united auw.org/society-young-leaders