Society of Young Leaders
MI SS ION T he Aloha United Way Societ y of Young Leaders strives to engage the next generation of leaders in making Hawai‘i a better place. Together, we GIVE, SERVE and LEARN to make a col lect ive, positive impact on the most pressing i ssu es in our community. WHAT IS T HE SOCIE TY OF YO UNG LEAD ERS? The Society of Young Leaders is a remarkable group wh ose mis sion is to give, serve and learn to make a collective, positive impact on the most pressing iss ues in our com munity. The gr oup selected EDU CATION as its area of foc us fo r the year. V olunteer and fundraisi ng efforts will go to suppo rt an d raise awareness in this im pact area. WHO QUAL IFIES ? An yone between the ages of 21–39 that donates a minim um of $120. WHY S HOUL D I JOIN? T hrough unique networking event s and hands-on volunteer ing opportunities, members a re a ble to levera ge the power of Aloha United Way to conn ect, s erv e, an d grow — both personally and professionall y. WHO C AN I CON TACT F OR MORE I NFO RMATION? Email [email protected] or visit A WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION