Hawaii Alliance for Community-Based Economic Hawai‘i Branch of The International Development (HACBED) 74250 Dyslexia Association (HIDA) 70730 www.hacbed.org https://hi.dyslexiaida.org HACBED works as an intermediary to lift up the gifts as well as struggles HIDA provides information, resource publications, webinars and other of families on different islands by providing support to individuals, virtual events for youth, parents, teachers and others interested in nonprofit community-based organizations, and multi-sector networks helping struggling readers; promotes teacher training in Structured serving the most vulnerable. Literacy instructional approaches. •Hawaii Appleseed Center for •Hawai’i Children’s Action Law & Economic Justice 70840 Network 72440 www.hiappleseed.org www.hawaii-can.org At Hawaii Appleseed, our work is about people. The issues we work on— We work to ensure all keiki in Hawai’i are safe, healthy and ready to housing, food, budget & tax, and racial equity—are important because learn. they ensure people have access to shelter, sustenance, & the means to not only survive, but to thrive. Hawaii Children’s Cancer Foundation (HCCF) 74040 Hawaii Arts Alliance 72450 www.hccf.org With the average length of treatment at 1-3 years, HCCF’s largest www.hawaiiartsalliance.org program, Financial Assistance, helps defray medical and living expenses The Hawai‘i Arts Alliance works to support arts nonprofits statewide for families who have a child in cancer treatment, thereby reducing the and provide access to the arts through in-school and out-of-school arts stress they experience. programs. Hawaii Conservation Alliance Foundation 76020 Hawai‘i Association for the Education of www.hawaiiconservation.org Young Children 72190 Our strategy restores, protects and preserves Hawai‘i natural resources. www.hawaiikeiki.org Supports the conservation of native ecosystems, which sustains our HIAEYC provides support to early childhood educators and organizations collective values and livelihoods. to improve the quality of care and education for young children birth to age 8 through professional development and support for NAEYC Hawaii Cord Blood Bank 80560 accreditation. www.hcbb.org We collect and provide life-saving cord blood stem cells for the Hawaii Autism Foundation 96740 treatment of blood disorders and leukemia to Hawaii’s multi-racial/multi- www.hawaiiautismfoundation.org ethnic population. Work with autism families to find where community support is needed and fund programs that bring solutions and a more inclusive and Hawaii FIDO Service Dogs 72930 equitable life for those with autism. www.hawaiifido.org Our dogs enhance quality of life, increase independence and offer Hawaii Bone Marrow Donor Registry 80340 healing to our communities with a focus on Veterans. We also work in www.bethematchhawaii.org partnership to bring the healing power of dogs to work in therapeutic, Help patients with blood diseases, like leukemia, find matching donors, clinical, and vocational settings. as matches are generally found within the same race. So Hawaii’s diversity is important for our local patients in need. •Hawaii Foodbank, Inc. 96640 HAWAII BOOK & MUSIC FESTIVAL 80350 www.hawaiifoodbank.org www.hawaiibookandmusicfestival.org Serving Hawaii since 1983, Hawaii Foodbank and its network of more HBMF is the most content-rich event in the state, a prime forum for than 200 food partner agencies provide food assistance to the 1 in 6 Hawaii authors to present their current works, and an indispensable Hawaii residents currently facing food insecurity. public forum for Hawaii’s thought leaders in dialogue about the major issues confronting Hawaii. Hawai’i Forest Institute (HFI) 81600 www.hawaiiforestinstitute.org HFI educates and mobilizes the general public to care about forests and actively participate in their conservation. In 2020 HFI, planted 2,454 seedlings; managed 276 acres of forest habitat; and benefited an estimated 5,251 people.

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