ALOHA UNITED WAY DESIGNATIONS loha United Way has been serving Hawai‘i for more than 100 We work with 1,000+ companies and 349 nonprofit partner years and working to help our community become stronger, agencies. In our daily work we reach every part of the community. Amore resilient, and better for everyone. That is why we are We understand our community’s greatest needs and opportunities, focusing on what we do best and are taking a bold, new approach to as well as the people and programs that can help. tackling tough challenges facing our community. We are addressing problems at the root and supporting solutions that will have lasting, Aloha United Way is a natural convener. We pull key stakeholders sustainable change. together to advance the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community. This collaborative approach makes for a bigger, collective impact. ALICE® Fund 80114 Tackles root causes of financial instability for people working, doing everything they can to make ends meet yet struggling to get by each month. In early 2020, 42% of Hawai‘i’s population were considered Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed (ALICE) or below. Some experts believe this number will rise to 59% due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 211 80106 Hawai‘i’s only comprehensive community information and referral helpline. Free and confidential. Most-requested inquiries include food, shelter, financial assistance and health care. Aloha United Way Safety Net 80105 Provides basic human needs and support during emergency and crisis situations when people are the most vulnerable. Safety Net agencies strive to return households to stability.