Leahi and Maluhia Foundation 73590 Mental Health America of Hawai‘i 96360 https://maluhia.hhsc.org/about-us/leahi-maluhia- www.mentalhealthhawaii.org foundation/ We promote mental wellness by advocating for the improved care and Provide support for Leahi Hospital and Maluhia. treatment of people with mental health challenges, educating to prevent youth suicide and bullying, and operating a daily help line connecting Legacy of Life Hawaii 74150 people to services. www.legacyoflifehawaii.org Legacy of Life Hawaii recovers organs/tissue for patients needing transplants. Our staff counsels families and medical staff about organ/ •Mental Health Kokua 96480 tissue donation, coordinates the recovery of donated organs/tissue, and https://mhkhawaii.weebly.com encourages organ donation. Mental Health Kokua offers comprehensive services that enable adults with serious mental illness and homelessness to receive support, find a ••Legal Aid Society of Hawaii 96350 home, and achieve their best recovery and restoration. www.legalaidhawaii.org Mid-Pacific Institute 76080 The Legal Aid Society of Hawaii provides civil legal services to those in www.midpac.edu need, including assistance with matters such as housing discrimination, A college-prep school that nurtures and challenges students to develop divorce, guardianship, homelessness, and public benefits to residents of intellectual, emotional, artistic, spiritual, and physical strengths to Hawaii most in need. become lifelong learners and global citizens. Make-A-Wish Hawaii 70330 MOA Hawaii 80430 www.hawaii.wish.org www.moahawaii.org Together, we create life-changing wishes for children in Hawaii with MOA Hawaii heals the community by healing individuals. It provides critical illnesses. holistic healing of mind, body and spirit through purifying therapy, nutrition, nature-farmed vegetables, and arts and culture. Making Ends Meet 81870 www.makingendsmeethawaii.org Moiliili Community Center 96370 Making Ends Meet provides one-time, emergency financial support to www.moiliilicc.org assist individuals in maintaining financial independence, or to avoid Our programs are offered to seniors and children of the Moiliili reliance on government aid. By doing so, we strive to instill hope and Community. From childcare to a gathering place for our seniors; to our improve quality of life. adult day care center for our more elderly and frail kupuna. We also have our thrift store. Malama Learning Center 74910 www.malamalearningcenter.org Montessori Community School 72240 We help West O‘ahu communities adopt a lifelong commitment to www.montessorihawaii.org practice malama ‘aina through hands-on classes and experiences Our Montessori preschool and elementary programs strive to foster in environmental and cultural education for students, teachers and behavior that will serve as the foundation for future learning, including families. intrinsic motivation, independence in work, respect, and responsibility. Manoa Valley Theatre 80190 MADD Hawaii 70370 www.manoavalleytheatre.com www.madd.org/hi Manoa Valley Theatre is enriching our community through the MADD educates youth on the dangers of underage drinking, provides production of live theatre, arts education, and community outreach. victim support recovering from the loss of someone who has been killed MVT is committed to being a place of impactful human connection by a drunk driver and works with our legislature to help create laws that where empathy and compassion thrive. will make our roads safer. Maryknoll School 79580 National Alliance on Mental Illness Hawaii www.maryknollschool.org or NAMI Hawaii 96630 The Foundation for Maryknoll School supports the school’s educational www.namihawaii.org mission and raises funds to ensure a legacy for the school and its We provide free support groups, classes, and info for those with mental students. Maryknoll fosters student development in academics, health conditions and the loved ones that support them. We also give athletics, the arts, and citizenship. awareness talks and advocate through our Crisis Intervention Team.

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