Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus 70030 •Helping Hands Hawaii 96520 www.hyoc.org www.helpinghandshawaii.org We are a community-based youth choir for students grades K-12 for Helping Hands Hawaii helps people strengthen and stabilize their boys and girls. Teaching music education and singing for youth households with access to free living essentials, emergency financial from novice to advanced singers. Choir is open to students from all assistance, nutrition benefits and education, representative payee communities on Oahu. services and language assistance. Hawaii Youth Services Network 75030 Historic Hawaii Foundation 79730 https://hysn.org www.historichawaii.org HYSN works as a network to collaborate, advocate, educate, build Historic Hawaii Foundation helps people save historic places that capacity, and provide leadership on youth issues to increase the provide a connection to the past and help identify who we are. We well-being of youth ages 12-21 and their families in Hawaii and the achieve this through advocacy, assistance, and educational programs Pacific Region. that support an ethic of preservation. HAWAII YOUTH SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION 79720 HNL Tool Library 96800 www.HiYouthSymphony.org www.hnltoollibrary.org HYS provides music programs so that interested students ages 7-18 HNL Tool Library is Hawaii’s first and only tool lending library, which can learn to play an instrument, read music, and experience the timeless works just like a book library, but with tools instead. Members of the and lifelong joys of live music. HYS has a vision to Make Music A Right, Tool Library have access to an inventory of 1400+ tools, educational Not A Privilege. workshops, and DIY resources •Hawaiian Community •Ho‘ola Na Pua 80370 Assets, Inc. 73210 www.hoolanapua.org www.hawaiiancommunity.net Ho’ola Na Pua is building a comprehensive and sustainable response to HCA is a certified nonprofit HUD counseling agency that builds the commercial sexual exploitation of children in Hawai’i through programs capacity of low and moderate income communities to achieve and focused on Health, Education, Advocacy, and Reintegration. sustain self-sufficiency by delivering financial counseling, career Hoa‘Aina O Makaha 72920 coaching, and income supports at FOCs statewide. www.hoaainaomakaha.org Hawaiian Humane Society 70540 We provide opportunities to strengthen community and family self- www.hawaiianhumane.org reliance and promote physical and spiritual well-being and in taking care The Hawaiian Humane Society is an education and advocacy of the land, we learn to take care of ourselves and each other. organization that shelters, protects, reunites, and rehomes animals. It is dedicated to fostering a culture of transparency, mutual respect, continual learning, and collaboration. •Honolulu Community Action HawaiiKidsCAN 81140 Program, Inc. 70250 www.hawaiikidscan.org www.hcapweb.org HawaiiKidsCAN increases opportunities through policy and systems Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc. (HCAP) is a private, non-profit change, community-level innovation and family engagement. Our work 501(c)(3) organization, delivering need-based human services to the has increased access to education and career readiness programs, economically challenged on the island of Oahu since 1965. internet connectivity and civic engagement. •Honolulu Habitat for Humanity 70900 •Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies www.honoluluhabitat.org Coalition of Hawaii 71430 Families in need of safe, affordable housing partner with Habitat to build or improve a place to call home. Habitat homeowners help build their www.hmhb-hawaii.org own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. HMHB answers the call to the challenges in our maternal and infant health crisis- access and continuity to care, and addresses health inequities. HMHB uses a multipronged approach of care that address both mom and baby as a dyad.

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